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Curriculum Vitae of Hans-Georg Eßer

printable version / german version

Hans-Georg Eßer
Dipl.-Math., Dipl.-Inform.


Mobile: +49 (0)172 8592418

Note: I have not updated the English version in a while (since May 2010). Please check the German version for current data.

Career History

10/2010- Research Assistant, Chair for IT Security Infrastructures, University of Erlangen and Nürnberg
03/2003- Editor-in-chief, EasyLinux, Linux New Media AG, München (since 09/2009 as freelancer)
09/2009-03/2010 Teacher (Mathematics and Technology/Computer Science), Fachoberschule Friedberg
02/2000-09/2004 Editor-in-chief, LinuxUser, Linux New Media AG, München
04/1999-02/2000 Research Assistant, Central Institute for Applied Mathematics (ZAM), Jülich Research Centre
12/1998-03/1999 Proof-reading and editing of Linux projects for Data Becker, Düsseldorf
10/1997-10/1998 Non-military service in Luisenhospital Aachen: Network management, Programming
10/1992-02/1998 Several positions as tutor for various lectures at RWTH (Univ. of Technology) Aachen

Lectureships / Teaching Assignments

Winter 2010/11 Computer Architecture, CS/Maths Department, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences
Winter 2010/11 IT Infrastructure, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management (Univ. of Applied Sciences)
Summer 2009 Operating Systems I, CS/Maths Department, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences
Winter 2008/09 Introduction to Computer Science, Industrial Engineering Department, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences
Winter 2008/09 Operating Systems, Economy Department, Wismar Univ. of Applied Sciences
Summer 2008 Operating Systems I, CS/Maths Department, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences
Winter 2007/08 Operating Systems, Economy Department, Wismar Univ. of Applied Sciences
Winter 2006/07 Operating Systems I/II, CS/Maths Department, Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences

Studies and Degrees

04/2008- PhD Research Project, Mannheim University
Research topic: New methods for teaching Operating Systems principles
Research Blog
09/2005-10/2006 Journalism, Deutsche Fachjournalistenschule, Degree: Fachjournalist (DFJS)
Thesis: Fließende Übergänge zwischen Fachjournalismus und wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen (german)
01/2002-08/2005 Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, Degree: Dipl.-Inform. (equivalent to MSc in CS)
Diploma thesis: Exploiting covert channels using a web server (german)
10/1994-04/1995 Studying abroad at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London
10/1991-09/1997 Mathematics and Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, Degree: Dipl.-Math. (equivalent to MSc in Maths)
Diploma thesis: Higher-order Narrowing with Definitional Trees and Explicit Substitutions (german)


02/2010 Novell CLA (Novell Certified Linux Administrator), Novell Technical Training
11/2008 Zertifikat Hochschullehre Bayern (Certification of Teaching in Higher Education; 140 work units of 45'), Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik der bayer. FHs (DiZ)
10/2007 LPIC-2 (Linux Professional Institute Certification Level 2), Linux Professional Institute (LPI)
05/2006 LPIC-1 (Linux Professional Institute Certification Level 1), LPI

Vocational Training: Didactics

02/2011 Activating Teaching and Learning Methods for Engineers, Carl von Linde-Akademie, TU München
11/2010 Teaching Technical Subjects - a didactical challange, Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik der bayer. FHs (DiZ)
02/2010 26. Eichstätter Kolloquium: Didactics of Mathematics, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
01/2010 Enhancements of mathematics and sciences education in schools, SINUS Bayern, FOS Augsburg
10/2009 Methods of mutual teaching and learning, SINUS Bayern, FOS Augsburg
09/2009-03/2010 Courses in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Science (part of a teacher training), Staatliches Studienseminar, München
07/2009 Tipps and Tricks fr for optimal blackboard usage, Carl von Linde-Akademie, TU Mnchen
01/2009 Teaching in English, Carl von Linde-Akademie, TU München
11/2008 Didactical Basics of Blended Learning (Moodle course), Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik der bayer. FHs (DiZ)
11/2008 Consulting Students in Higher Education, Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre
10/2008 Getting Key Competences across to Students, Univ. der Bundeswehr München
10/2008 Rhetoric training for Continuing Education programmes, DiZ
09/2008 Specifics of Teaching and Learning in Continuing Education, DiZ
07/2008 Using e-tests and Online Surveys in Higher Education, Medienzentrum der TU München
06/2008 Evaluation (of Lectures), Carl von Linde-Akademie, TU München
08/2006 Didactics for University Lecturers (Basisseminar Hochschuldidaktik), DiZ

Vocational Training: Other

05/2007 Titles, Leads, and Subtitles, Akademie der Bayerischen Presse (ABP)
09/2005 Time Management, ABP
08/2005 Databases; Implementation of DBs, RWTH Aachen (Diploma exam)
07/2005 Unix and Internet Security; Distributed Systems; Computer Networks, RWTH Aachen (Diploma exam)
03/2005 Adobe InDesign, Cancom / Oesix
11/2004-12/2006 English Conversation Club, internal training, Linux New Media AG (fortnightly)
07/2002 Editorial Department Management, ABP
04/2002 Language and Copy-editing, ABP
03/2002 The future of publishing, RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl 3 für Informatik
01/2000 Cray Architecture, ZAM, Forschungszentrum Jülich
11/1999 Oracle Database Development, ZAM, Forschungszentrum Jülich
09/1999 ACTC Workshop "Scientific Applications Development and Optimization on the IBM RS/6000 SP", Univ. Karlsruhe
04/1999 Programming in Java, ZAM, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Publications, Given Talks, Edited Books

Since 1997More than 500 books and other publications (german)
Since 2000Given Talks at congresses and fairs (partially german)
Since 2002Edited books (german)

Birth, School, Languages, Memberships

1972born in Neuss, NRW, Germany
07/1978-06/1982Primary School in Kaarst
08/1982-05/1991Theodor-Schwann-Gymnasium in Neuss (27.05.1991 Abitur)
LanguagesGerman: native
English: good
French, Spanish: basic knowledge
Croatian: beginner
Memberships ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

Copyright © 1997-2025 Hans-Georg Eßer; Server: Debian Linux, Apache Web Server, letzte Änderung: Tuesday, 03-Sep-2013 13:38:07 CEST
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