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Welcome to the reniceall project page. reniceall is a simple shell script that is to renice what killall is to kill - it lets you renice all running processes with a given name to a new nice value at one time.


  [esser@dual esser]$ reniceall 5 bash
  8490: old priority 0, new priority: 5
  2059: old priority 0, new priority: 5
  2041: old priority 0, new priority: 5
  2023: old priority 0, new priority: 5

When you call reniceall as normal user, you may only increase the nice values of processes; this is the same limitation as for the regular renice command. However, the administrator (root) can set any nice value, including negative ones.

There's a help function

  [esser@dual esser]$ reniceall -h
  reniceall renices several processes with same name.
  Syntax: reniceall nicevalue name

and also a man page. To install, download the archive reniceall-0.1.tar.gz, untar it, and run in the new directory as root, or if you don't trust install scripts, look what it does and copy the files yourself.


There's a man page that I created with manedit,

Copyright © 1997-2024 Hans-Georg Eßer; Server: Debian Linux, Apache Web Server, letzte Änderung: Friday, 05-Nov-2004 18:30:22 CET
Theme: Hazard Area 1.6 (modified), created by Bryan Bell, Copyright © 2000-2006