
The Implementation of the ULIX Literate Operating System








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A diary documenting the implementation of ULIX-i386

Welcome to the ULIX blog.

Ulix (Literate Unix) is a Unix-like operating system developed at University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. I use D. E. Knuth's concept of Literate Programming for the implementation and documentation. The goal was a fully working system which can be used in operating system courses to show students how OS concepts (such as paging and scheduling) can be implemented. Literate programs are very accessible because they can be read like a book; the order of presentation is not enforced by program logic or compiler restrictions, but instead is guided by the implementer's creative process.

Ulix is written in C and assembler for the Intel architecture. The literate programming part is handled by noweb.

On this page I document my progress with the implementation.

Navigation: 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011

User Mode (21.08.2011)

Ulix can now switch to user mode and execute simple code. Since we have no syscalls yet, it cannot do much in user mode. So the next step is to set up syscalls for "print character" and "read character" -- then I can convert the current simple shell into a user mode shell. This is not yet a process, it is just code being executed with privilege level 3 (in ring 3) instead of the kernel's own privilege level 0 (ring 0). However, it's nice to have it, because the transition from kernel to user mode requires weird code and a TSS (Task State Segment).

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Ulix has simple kmalloc() and kfree() functions (19.08.2011)

A first implementation of kmalloc and kfree is now available. It always starts with a fresh page, so it is quite wasteful. Also, it does not check, whether contiguous pages are allocated by request_new_page -- but the code for that function has been prepared so that (in the future) it will be able to guarantee a contiguous area.
The way new page tables are entered into the system has changed: I no longer allocate pages for them, only frames. They do not need to have virtual addresses because they are always referenced via their physical addresses.

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Remembering: there's a thing called scope (18.08.2011)

Back to "Learning C 101": Assume you create a new page table, and you do that within a function. That page table is supposed to stay around (even though it's never explicitly accessed outside the function, however it's being pointed to.) Sometimes the code works, sometimes not. You spend half a day on searching for the errors in the paging calculations... Perhaps something's wrong with the physical addresses? But not always? The code looks like this:

void create_new_table() {
  page_table pt;
  ... (fill pt with data)
  ... (enter &pt in global page directory)
Then, suddenly, at 4:00 a.m. in the morning, you realize that this way return is an implicit forget about pt. D'oh.
In related news, moving the pt declaration outside the function solved my problem, and now Ulix can reserve new pages (and correctly update the page tables) until it runs out of physical frames :) Yes, there's still the issue of paging out memory to disk. Which would require disk access. Which is a topic for later.

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v0.04: Memory Allocation: Get Frame, Get Page, Update Page Tables (17.08.2011)

OK, the memory system is slowly becoming useful. There's now a bitmap that keeps track of used/free frames in RAM, and there's a function which requests a new page (first getting a frame, then updating the page table and eventually creating a new page table when the old one is full). Next up is some kind of kmalloc()...
Some other things I found out: It's sometimes helpful to use the graphical debug frontend of Bochs. And: There's a free (LGPL-licensed), simple printf() implementation (Georges Menie, 2002) which does not depend on the existence of any libraries: all it needs is a way to put a single character on the console (and I have a putch() already).

Resources used:
printf, by Georges Menie, http://www.menie.org/georges/embedded/

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Debugging the Kernel with Bochs (14.08.2011)

Debugging the Ulix kernel requires use of some tools: I use Bochs (a fresh compile with the configure options --enable-debugger and --enable-disasm). Compared to a standard configuration of Bochs, I do a few things differently via the config file (bochsrc.txt):

  • port_e9_hack: enabled=1 lets me use a special outb() command to write to the terminal from which Bochs was started -- helpful when video is not yet setup
  • magic_break: enabled=1 allows me to insert the useless assembler statement xchg bx,bx anywhere in the code and have execution stop at that point (without having to set the breakpoint manually inside Bochs)
  • debug_symbols: file=ulix.sym makes Bochs read a symbol table at startup so it can output addresses relative to the start of some function. However no tool immediately produces the symbol table in a format that Bochs can read. I use the following command to create a fitting table:
    objdump -D ulix.bin | grep -e '^[^ ]* <' | sed -e 's/<//' -e 's/>://' > ulix.sym
    (This works only for ELF binaries.)
All of that together makes debugging the kernel a bit easier: Bochs can show information about registers, the GDT, TSS and many more interesting things.

Resources used:
Bochs, http://bochs.sourceforge.net/

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Preparations for User Mode (13.08.2011)

In order to create user mode processes (without implementing a program loader right now) I compile simple C programs (with a main() function) to object files and link them with a ld linker script with OUTPUT_FORMAT set to binary, creating a .com file. (I use this ending in memory of simple DOS programs and because yesterday the original IBM PC turned 30 years.) Then comes some Unix shell script magic which pipes the binary through hexdump, fmt, and sed in order to create a char array declaration like this:

static char procbin[] __attribute__ ((aligned (4096))) = {
0x83, 0xec, 0x10, 0xc7, 0x44, 0x24, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0xc7, 0x44, 0x24, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb,
0x10, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0x08, 0x01, 0x44, 0x24, 0x0c, 0xff,
0x44, 0x24, 0x0c, 0xff, 0x44, 0x24, 0x08, 0x83, 0x7c, 0x24,
0x08, 0x09, 0x7e, 0xe9, 0xb8, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcd,
0x80, 0x8b, 0x44, 0x24, 0x0c, 0x83, 0xc4, 0x10, 0xc3, 0x00
That can be pasted into the Ulix source code and will create a page-aligned block holding the program. This is then mapped to page 0, and user mode is entered with an IRET to address 0: The program starts.
In order to check what code has been produced by the compiler, I use the disassembler udis86.

Resources used:
udis86 disassembler library with udcli client, http://udis86.sourceforge.net/

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Physical RAM mapped, hexdump (13.08.2011)

I've done some preparations for user mode: physical RAM (I assume 64 MByte RAM) is now mapped to 0xD000.0000-0xD3FF.FFFF. That's helpful when I know the physical address of some data, but not the virtual one. I noticed that it's easy to forget that page directory entries need to point to physical addresses, not virtual ones. I kept wondering why I got segfaults :)
There is now a "frame list" (actually just a bitmap). It can be asked for the status of any frame (im RAM), and for each frame the status can be set to free or used.
Another new function is hexdump() which displays (virtual) memory contents in the same format as the shell command hexdump does for text files. It was fun to compare its output with the output of 'hexdump ulix.bin'. My temporary shell (the hard-coded main loop for now) cannot yet parse arguments to commands, so hexdump will display contents of three memory areas selected in the code; in a future version it will accept start and end addresses and show the memory region's contents.

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v0.03: Paging with Higher Half Kernel (12.08.2011)

It works: now the kernel uses virtual addresses starting at 0xC0000000 (the last of four gigabytes). This is a preparation for allowing user mode code (processes) to run in the lower 3 GBytes. It took me all a whole day to get this to work because my original code did not setup enough page -> frame mappings; it mapped some virtual memory to [0..1MB], but the system was loaded to [1MB..2MB], so after enabling paging nothing useful was found...
Now the next step will be user mode. For a starter I will just try to switch to user mode and back; there's some meddling with the stack involved because Intel CPUs have only one instruction that can be used to enter user mode: IRET (return from interrupt) which finds the next instruction pointer on the stack. This will later turn into the init process from which all other processes will be forked.
Another thing to think of now is memory allocation. When I start handling processes I will need a list of free page frames, so the physical memory should be identified in the beginning. There's a lot of untested frame allocation code in Felix Freiling's non-Intel Ulix, so I'll look how that works on an Intel chip.

Resources used:
Higher Half With GDT, http://wiki.osdev.org/Higher_Half_With_GDT

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Working on the GDT trick (11.08.2011)

In order to make the kernel use (virtual) high memory addresses (0xC000.0000 to 0xFFFF.FFFF), some extra work is necessary. I am porting the GDT trick over to the current code which uses a special GDT that linearly remaps memory by supplying a relocation offset as part of a segment description.

Resources used:
Higher Half With GDT, http://wiki.osdev.org/Higher_Half_With_GDT

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v0.02: Booting, Paging (01.08.2011)

I started with OS code from Bran's OS tutorial and imported this code (slightly modified) into the tex/noweb sources. Shell scripts can create either a PDF file of the documentation or a bootable floppy image with the kernel on it. The kernel loads low in RAM and starts paging. It uses identity mapping for the first MB of RAM.

Resources used:
Bran's Kernel Development Tutorial, http://www.osdever.net/tutorials/view/brans-kernel-development-tutorial
GCC Cross Compiler, http://www.fanofblitzbasic.de/prettyos/PrettyOSMacOSX.pdf
All in one boot disk: http://rescup.winbuilder.net/bootdisk/
Qemu: http://wiki.qemu.org/
Bochs: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/
Noweb: http://www.cs.tufts.edu/~nr/noweb/
mtools (for copying the kernel binary to the floppy image): http://www.gnu.org/s/mtools/
Ulix noweb sources (Felix Freiling, unpublished)

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Ulix v0.01 - it begins (01.07.2011)

So here's the beginning of my ULIX blog, and also the beginning of my Ulix-i386 development. I base my work on Felix Freiling's "The Design and Implementation of the ULIX Operating System", an unfinished literate programming document from which parts of an OS theory book (in LaTeX) and parts of a kernel (in C and assembler) can be extracted using the noweb tools (noweave, notangle).

The original code from this document is intended to run on a virtual machine (the ULIX hardware) which is also described in that text and for which parts of a tool chain (emulator, gcc port, assembler) had been created by other students. However, I am implementing Ulix for the i386 architecture. So some of the original code will remain, and some must go.

In this blog I will keep you updated on my progress.

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