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Hans-Georg Eßer's Research Blog --
New methods for teaching Operating Systems principles
Welcome to my Research Blog. Here I will keep you informed about my
progress in researching new teaching methods for Operating Systems
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
Literature |
Reading in August 2010... (21.08.2010) |
- Bruce Schneier: "Secrets & Lies"
- M. Howard, D. LeBlanc, J. Viega: "19 Deadly Sins of Software Security"
[ Pfad: /literature | persistant link ]
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Reading in July 2010... (20.07.2010) |
- Christian Mertens: "Wie lehrt man IT-Sicherheit am besten? Überblick, Klassifikation und Basismodule", Diplomarbeit, 2007
- Felix Freiling, Jan Goebel: "Forensische Informatik", Lecture Notes, 2010
- Alexander Geschonneck: "Computer-Forensik"
[ Pfad: /literature | persistant link ]
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Dagstuhl 2010 (internal workshop) slides (28.06.2010) |
Here are the
of my talk at the PI1 Dagstuhl seminar in June 2010. They contain
the results of my comparison of two Operating Systems lectures in
the summer terms of 2008 and 2009.
[ Pfad: | persistant link ]
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Note that some documents on this site are only available in German language. They
are marked with a German flag
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