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Hans-Georg Eßer's Research Blog --
New methods for teaching Operating Systems principles
Welcome to my Research Blog. Here I will keep you informed about my
progress in researching new teaching methods for Operating Systems
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
Literature |
Reading in August 2010... (21.08.2010) |
- Bruce Schneier: "Secrets & Lies"
- M. Howard, D. LeBlanc, J. Viega: "19 Deadly Sins of Software Security"
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Reading in July 2010... (20.07.2010) |
- Christian Mertens: "Wie lehrt man IT-Sicherheit am besten? Überblick, Klassifikation und Basismodule", Diplomarbeit, 2007
- Felix Freiling, Jan Goebel: "Forensische Informatik", Lecture Notes, 2010
- Alexander Geschonneck: "Computer-Forensik"
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Literature: Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Simulation Games (Clark N. Quinn) (21.04.2009) |
While googling Instructional Design I came across an interesting book by
Clark N. Quinn in which he proposes methods of teaching via simulation games.
I cannot say yet whether this will be useful, but I bought the book, and when time
permits, I'll go through it and give a short summary on this webpage.
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Literature: Unterrichten mit Moodle (Kay Hoeksema, Markus Kuhn) (14.10.2008) |
Having planned to experiment with Moodle for quite some time, two things
came together which made me finally get it going: One of my colleagues
at the publishing house I work for put this book on my desk, and I started
teaching a new course (on Computer Science Basics) that might profit from
a course management system.
So I've read the book which is primarily targeted at school teachers (not
University lecturers). Different from many technical books, this one doesn't
start with the details of installing and infinitely configuring the last
details of the software -- instead the authors show several standard
situations that can occur in teaching and explain how using Moodle might
help in these cases.
Even when things do get technical there's no need to start downloading
and installing -- the publishers, Open Source Press, provide a guest account
for a Moodle installation on their webserver which already contains several
of the course elements discussed in the book.
This is not a technical book for the Moodle hacker, but it's a gentle
introduction to Moodle's concepts, which does a lot to motivate readers
to start moodling.
Kay Hoeksema, Markus Kuhn
Unterrichten mit Moodle
Open Source Press; 1. Auflage 2008, 229 pages
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Literature: Learning to Teach in Higher Education (Paul Ramsden) (13.07.2008) |
Last week I read a very interesting book about Teaching in Higher Education.
The author Paul Ramsden focuses on approaches to learning and differentiates
between "deep" and superficial approaches, where the former ones lead to a
proper understanding of the topics of a course, while the latter ones only
bring separate pieces of knowledge into (short term) memory and do not
enable students to see the overall picture or apply those knowledge fragments
to new problems in a meaningful way.
Examples in the book are drawn from several fields of academic teaching,
including Physics, Statistics, Medicine and Animal Science. Ramsden supports
his arguments with references to lots of research papers which have measured
the results of using different teaching approaches. An interesting find was
that the highest correlation was that of excellent grades and a full agreement
with statements such as "The staff are highly concerned in making sure that
we understand."
A summary of the book could be: Think what kind of abilities you want to
see students develop, what kind of change in the student's understanding
do you want to achieve? Then search for ways to help the student make this
change. Good teaching is an enabling of good learning.
Paul Ramsden
Learning to Teach in Higher Education
Routledge Chapman & Hall; 2nd edition 2003, 288 pages
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