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Hans-Georg Eßer's Research Blog --
New methods for teaching Operating Systems principles
Welcome to my Research Blog. Here I will keep you informed about my
progress in researching new teaching methods for Operating Systems
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
Literature |
Methods: Creating a Moodle course for Linux newbies (21.04.2009) |
Since I cannot experiment too much with Moodle in my Operating Systems
course, I am currently creating a Moodle course with text, audio and
video elements for Linux newbies. It is planned as a step-by-step
introduction to Linux, covering live systems, disk installation, and
first steps with the desktop and some standard apps.
The course will be available online for free, but it's only in
German. Here's the link:
(So far, there's only a framework; I've created mostly empty course topics in
a Moodle course.)
The Moodle website has some information about certification
(MCCC: Moodle Certified Course Creator), and I've considered learning
all the bits necessary for this certification. (Full access to the
cert information requires registration on moodle.org.)
[ Pfad: /methods | persistant link ] | |
Methods: 4C/ID: Combining Memory Management and Filesystems (21.04.2009) |
As a first measure of implementing the 4C/ID method I am developping
a new partial curriculum for the two topics Memory Management and
Filesystems. Since there are many similarities in the concepts, I
want to teach them in parallel. One of 4C/ID's suggestions is to
change between different tasks while increasing complexity of the
shown examples/concepts.
I start with writing a lecture notes chapter for the two topics; the
latest version is available
At the end of this term's lectures I plan to hand out a questionnaire that
will ask the students what they think about this combination of the two
topics. I will also evaluate the final test's results and compare them
with last year's results (only for questions concerning MM and Filesystems)
when the course was taught in a classic way (MM and Filesystems as separate
[ Pfad: /methods | persistant link ] | |
Methods: Evaluating the 4C/ID Model (12.11.2008) |
I'm currently scanning literature which covers the
4C/ID (Four Components Instructional Design) model,
in particular I am reading "Ten Steps to Complex Learning", by the
inventor of the 4C/ID model, Prof. Jeroen J. G. van
Merrienboer, see
Amazon book entry.
4C/ID focuses on the definition of
- "learning tasks", which shall be modelled as "whole" tasks
that have real-world relevance,
- "supportive information" (which is fundamental, background
information needed throughout the whole learning process
and thus provided before the task starts),
- "just-in-time information" which is presented during e.g.
the step-by-step explanation of a procedure that shall be
learnt, and
- "part-task practice" which helps students automatize
sub-tasks that should in general not be treated as separate
For a short introduction, see
I want to use this model to structure the elements of an Operating
Systems curriculum and see what consequences this application will
have for the order of presentation.
[ Pfad: /methods | persistant link ] | |
Methods: Literate Programming -- Implementing a Round Robin Scheduler (24.08.2008) |
Following a suggestion of my doctoral advisor Prof. Freiling, I have
read some literature about Literate Programming (see e.g.
and experimented with the source code of a Round Robin Scheduler
that I wrote for my Operating Systems class in the summer term 2008.
Here is the full documentation that I developed with noweb
The noweb source file can be found here
as well as the bibtex references file
[ Pfad: /methods | persistant link ] | |
Note that some documents on this site are only available in German language. They
are marked with a German flag
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